This week, we do the mash! We do the gennnnnnre mash! Well, actually Fred Dekker is the one who orchestrates this 1986 genre mash entitled Night of the Creeps!
Part 80s teen comedy, part 50s sci-fi horror, part 30s noir (and all fantastic), Night of the Creeps is a film that shouldn’t work, but Dekker’s infectious nostalgia and dedication to charming, engaging characters allows for whole of Creeps to be greater than the sum of its severed parts! Plus, Tom Atkins (a man so cool that “plus, Tom Atkins” isn’t even considered a sentence fragment)!
Come let’s stroll… through another thrilling episode of Junkfood Cinema.
‘Warlock Collection’ Casts Its Deadly Spell In HDBy Rob Hunter
Vestron Video brings all three — yes, three — ‘Warlock’ films to special edition Blu-ray!
The Warlock trilogy, if you can really call it that, ran from 1989 to 1999, and while each has high and low points they r…Read More
Plot is Not the Key to Great CinemaBy Danny Bowes
Focusing on the tree of narrative means missing the forest of cinema.
When I was twelve years old—bear with me, this will get relevant soon—I and a number of friends and relatives went to see The Addams Family …Read More
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