"Y'all remember me?" Array + Netflix debuted the official trailer for an indie poetic drama titled Residue, marking the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Merawi Gerima, son of pioneering indie filmmaker Haile Gerima. The somewhat autobiographical film is about a filmmaker who returns home to Washington DC after years away, to write a script about his childhood, only to find his neighborhood unrecognizable and his childhood friends have since scattered to the wind. It's "an inventive and powerful story about identity, gentrification and the difficulty of returning home. It premiered at Slamdance and is playing in the Venice Days sidebar at the film festival this month. Exploring "the impact of gentrification, underemployment and Black male identity in Washington D.C., that is also duplicated in other major cities – Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans, Harlem/Brooklyn/Bronx/Queens, St. Louis, Houston/Dallas – conjures the current interrogation of the systemic racism plaguing Black communities" around the US. Starring Obinna Nwachukwu as Jay.
Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Merawi Gerima's Residue, direct from Array's YouTube:
Residue chronicles aspiring filmmaker Jay (Obinna Nwachukwu) who returns to his native Washington, DC to find his old neighborhood is gentrified beyond recognition. Dealing with alienation from his friends, troubled by the disappearance of a loved one and unsure of his place in this new community, Jay confronts issues of identity, isolation and loss on a tumultuous personal journey. Residue is both written and directed by up-and-coming American filmmaker Merawi Gerima, now making his feature directorial debut after working in production on other projects previously. The film initially premiered at Slamdance Film Festival earlier this year, and it's playing in the Venice Days sidebar this month. Array will release Gerima's Residue in select theaters + on Netflix starting September 17th this month. For more info, visit the film's website.
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