Let the Awe and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin. Isolation can do strange things to human beings. But it can also spark creativity and imagination, as is the case with this cinematic lockdown creation. 2020: An Isolation Odyssey is a homemade "reenactment of the iconic finale of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Restaged in the context of home quarantine, the journey through time adapts to the mundane dramas of self-isolation–poking fun at the navel-gazing saga of life alone and indoors." This video project was made by Brooklyn-based designer Lydia Cambron, who shot this at her apartment over two months from March to May earlier this year. It's impressive in many ways - how meticulous and perfect every shot is compared to the original. But also how an entirely different space, with different "set dressing" and design, can still evoke the same feelings of intrigue and mysterious and loneliness from Kubrick's film. This lockdown update still feels exactly like the original scene, despite being looking so different. This video is definitely worth a watch.
Thanks to Kottke for the tip on this video. Short description from Vimeo: "2020: An Isolation Odyssey is a reenactment of the iconic finale of 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968). Restaged in the context of home quarantine, the journey through time adapts to the mundane dramas of self-isolation–poking fun at the navel-gazing saga of life alone and indoors." 2020: An Isolation Odyssey is created by artist / designer Lydia Cambron, made entirely at her home in New York City. Follow her on Instagram or visit her official website. She explains: "This project began in late March and was completed in late May, spanning the height of the pandemic in New York City… 2020 presents an obvious similarity to the domestic setting of 2001. The stacked videos and synced movements also reveal parallels in emotion. The narrowness of daily life in a single space, transitioning from confusion to acceptance, a distorted sense of time, and 'returning' after a transformational event–all experiences analogous to quarantine." That's some intensive analysis. Thoughts?
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