"They grow up so fast." Gravitas Ventures has released the first official trailer for an indie dramedy titled Tom of Your Life, marking the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Jer Sklar. When a baby is born who inexplicably grows, evolves and ages four years every hour, a strung out nurse decides to smuggle him out of the hospital to show him what life is all about before the authorities and time catch up with them both. She takes him on the road to let him experience the world on the one day he’ll have to live in it… The concept reminds me of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, or even Big Fish, but with a whole different kind of charm. Starring Jeremy Sklar, Baize Buzan, and James Sharpe. And featuring music by the band The Blackstrap Molasses. This isn't the best trailer, way too short, but I still have a good feeling about this film.
Here's the official US trailer (+ poster) for Jer Sklar's Tom of Your Life, direct from YouTube:
When a child is born at a rural hospital who inexplicably ages four years every hour, a rebellious nurse smuggles him out and takes him on the road to let him experience the world on the one day he’ll have to live in it. This is the tale of Tom of Your Life, a heartwarming, music-driven comedy about taking a beautiful new view on life. Tom of Your Life is both written and directed by American actor / filmmaker Jeremy Sklar (aka Jer Sklar), making his feature directorial debut after a few other short films and some production work previously. This first premiered at the Cinequest Film Festival earlier this year. Gravitas will release Sklar's Tom of Your Life direct-to-VOD starting September 1st this fall. Who wants to watch?
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