"What is this place?" Fantasia has released a promo trailer for the wickedly strange film Undergods, an "otherworldly journey through a Europe in decline" film premiering at the genre festival this summer. Chino Moya's debut feature Undergods "places viewers in a foreign futuristic world, though sadly one that feels more familiar every day. The film's narrators maneuver through a deserted, crumbling, grayish-blue city, gathering bodies as they go and sharing nightmarish stories of a long-ago abandoned past. What follows is a series of narratives, overlapping and weaving through time and space with remarkable grace and ease. The threads come together elegantly as stories layer upon each other & crescendo towards a powerful, satisfying conclusion." The key cast includes Kate Dickie, Ned Dennehy, Geza Rohrig, Adrian Rawlins, and an especially crazed Jan Bijvoet. Not quite sure what to make of this, but I'm certainly intrigued! Have a look.
Here's the festival promo trailer (+ poster) for Chino Moya's Undergods, direct from YouTube:
An otherworldly journey through a Europe in decline, Chino Moya's feature directorial debut Undergods is a collection of darkly humorous fantasy tales about a series of men whose worlds fall apart through a visit from an unexpected stranger. Set to an original, synth score featuring ‘80s electronica, Undergods journeys through disparate eras and realities fusing failed 20th Century utopias and 21st Century Ikea nightmares. Undergods is both written and directed by up-and-coming filmmaker Chino Moya, making his feature directorial debut after a few short films and other creative work. Made with the support of the BFI, (using funds from the National Lottery), the Wallonia Brussels Fund for Audiovisual and Cinema, the Estonian Cultural Fund, the Estonian Film Institute and Sweden's Film I Vast. This film is premiering at the Fantasia Film Festival this summer. No release dates have been set - stay tuned for updates. Who's curious?
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