"I feel like I need to explore my Korean heritage." Freestyle Digital Media has released the official trailer for an indie drama titled Where We Begin, marking the feature directorial debut of Korean-American actor Joshua Kwak. The film tells the story of Jimmy, a Korean American finding his sense of being in Los Angeles through historic architecture and locations, eluding the real search from within. "We explore this journey as he comes to understand how his mother's lax parenting style may have influenced his identity and sculpted his sense of belonging." Joshua Kwak also stars in this as Jimmy, with A. Leslie Kies, Rawle D. Lewis, and Janice Sonia Lee. This joins a growing number of excellent indie films about the experience of being a Korean-American in America – with Ms. Purple, Columbus, and Minari. Seems like a very personal story.
Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Joshua Kwak's Where We Begin, direct from Freestyle's YouTube:
Where We Begin is a story of Jimmy, a Korean American finding a sense of place through historic places. We explore Jimmy's race, relationships, family and architecture as a not so "tiger mom" parenting style that may have sculpted his sense of identity. Where We Begin is co-directed by Korean-American actor / filmmaker Joshua Kwak (making his directorial debut) & filmmaker Fidencio Casas (his second feature after Catalina previously). The screenplay is also written by Joshua Kwak. Produced by Luis Sinibaldi and Joshua Kwak. This hasn't premiered at any festivals or elsewhere, as far as we know. Freestyle will release Kwak's Where We Begin direct-to-VOD starting on May 5th coming soon. Anyone interested in watching?
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