"Time and proximity can change adversaries into allies." Netflix has released an official trailer for a true crime documentary film titled Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story, made by doc filmmaker Daniel H. Birman. The film examines in detail the story of Cyntoia Brown, a young woman from Kentucky who grew up in a foster home. She was convicted of murdering a man at age 16 during her time working as a forced prostitute, and sentenced to life in prison as an adult. Years later her case was re-examined after a public outcry, she was eventually granted clemency, and was released from prison in 2019. The film takes a look at her entire story - what happened with her initial conviction and how she ended up finally getting out.
Official trailer for Daniel H. Birman's doc Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story, on YouTube:
After 16-year-old Cyntoia Brown is sentenced to life in prison, new questions about her past, physiology and the law itself call her guilt into question. Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story is directed by doc producer / filmmaker Daniel H. Birman, director of the doc feature Perfecting Flight: Bob Hoover, as well as numerous TV projects and docs previously including Chasing Speed: Leslie Porterfield. Produced by Susy Garciasalas Barkley. This hasn't premiered at any festivals or elsewhere, as far as we know. Netflix will release Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story streaming exclusively starting April 29th this month.
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