Moviegoing Memories is a series of short interviews with filmmakers about going to the movies. Ali Jaberansari's Tehran: City of Love is MUBI GO's Film of the week of October 11, 2019.

Ali Jaberansari (left) on the set of Tehran: City of Love.
NOTEBOOK: How would you describe your movie in the least amount of words?
ALI JABERANSARI: It's a bittersweet comedy about three lonely and disenchanted characters looking for love and connection in a city that does not embrace them.
NOTEBOOK: Where and what is your favorite movie theatre? Why is it your favorite?
JABERANSARI: In London, BFI Southbank is probably my favorite. Simply because of all the great classics and films projected on print that I watched and still watch there. And also because they don't let popcorn or any food in!
NOTEBOOK: What is the most memorable movie screening of your life? Why is it memorable?
JABERANSARI: There are so many! But my earliest memorable cinema screening is from when I was in middle school in Tehran and my literature teacher organized for a few of us to go see Through the Olive Trees, by Abbas Kiarostami, in a rundown cinema in Tehran. I was too young to fully understand the film, but I will never forget that day and the experience. It was in the early years after the revolution and to see a film with such serenity, calmness and poetry in the middle of all the macho revolutionary and ideological noise was something I will never forget. I guess subconsciously it introduced me to a different kind of cinema, which I picked up on later in life.
NOTEBOOK: If you could choose one classic film to watch on the big screen, what would it be and why?
JABERANSARI: I would choose Stalker by Tarkovsky. I've seen it a few times, but only once saw it on print at NFT1 at BFI Southbank long time ago and would love to watch it again because the experience is so different on big screen. And I think it's still so relevant and essential viewing for our time!
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