Boy, Man, & Leather-Man. Breaking Glass Pictures has debuted an official trailer for an indie comedy titled Cubby, the "eccentric, lovable LGBTQ" feature directorial debut of filmmakers Mark Blane & Ben Mankoff. Mark Blane also wrote the script and stars in the film as a guy named Mark. This kinky, quirky, heartfelt film is about a guy from the Midwest who moves to New York City and ends up creating "Leather-Man", an alternative superhero identity that helps him to learn about discipline and control. Of course. The indie cast includes Patricia Richardson, John Duff, Joseph Seuffert, Rodney Richardson, Matthew Shear, Lucy DeVito, Christian Patrick, Naian Gonzalez Norvind, Peter Y. Kim, Zachary Booth, and Jeanine Serralles. The film will next screen at Outfest this month, and open in theaters later in the fall. "It's going to be super rad to see how audiences respond to our bizarre protagonist in Cubby." Have a look.
Here's the first official trailer (+ poster) for Mark Blane's Cubby, direct from BGP's YouTube:
Mark (Blane), a misanthropic 26-year-old gay man, had been living in his mother's garage in Indiana and working on his sexually explicit—and BDSM-themed—artwork until a lie he tells gets him unwittingly in New York City, dog paddling among the sharks. There, he takes a job babysitting for 6-year-old Milo, a new best friend who fully accepts Mark, but does little to help him meet the challenges of everyday life. Falling behind on rent, and running out of anti-anxiety pills, Mark finally discovers the inspiration he needs, in the form of the alternative superhero, Leather-Man, who appears to him through the lens of a psychedelic cupcake. As a sexy metaphor for discipline and control, Leather-Man helps Mark onto the path for success, but not before Mark’s babysitting adventures turn from empowering, to risky, and ultimately: transformative. Cubby is co-directed by American filmmakers Mark Blane & Ben Mankoff, both making their feature directorial debut with this film. The screenplay is written by Mark Blane. This first premiered at the Torino LGBTQI Lovers Film Festival earlier in the year. Breaking Glass will release Blane's Cubby in select US theaters starting sometime this fall. For more, visit the film's official website. Anyone interested?
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