This is not your older brother’s DC Extended Universe tone.
If you thought Wonder Woman gave the DC Extended Universe a breath of brighter air, take a look at Shazam! This is a superhero movie unlike any that DC fans have seen in ages — in live-action feature form, anyway. Seemingly more comedy than comic book blockbuster, Shazam! is obviously inspired by Big and as far as the superhero genre goes, this may be more like Ant-Man than anything in any of the big cinematic universe franchises.
Like Scott Lang in the Ant-Man movies, Shazam is a superhero who is just a kid at heart (and mind and soul and everything else but body, really) who is just shocked and elated that he gets to be a superhero. And Zachary Levi looks like a perfectly goofball actor to be DC’s Paul Rudd. The difference is that Levi’s Shazam isn’t quite as sardonic or, ironically, childish as Rudd’s Ant-Man. But Shazam! has that very light family friendly comical charm.
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“I’m 40 today and I don’t have anywhere to bury my wife.”
Some things come out of nowhere and light the Internet on fire. A number of them come from the folks at Funny or Die. This one specifically comes from director Jeremy…Read More
21 Things We Learned from the Tropic Thunder Commentary
Ben Stiller‘s sequel to his own 2001 hit, Zoolander, opens this Friday, and it is not good. There are a few humorous beats — and an inexplicable MVP in Kiefer Sutherland — but the jokes and gags are a mix…Read More
The Flash Just Delivered Its Finest Hour
Welcome to Last Night on TV, our daily column that looks back at what happened on television the night before. If we’re going to stay up all night and watch TV, we might as well talk about it the next morning.
Last nigh…Read More
The Year I Lost Faith in Movie Romances
Columbia Pictures
As a child of divorce, I looked to the movies for a model of romance. For a while, they came through. Growing up in the 1980s, I got The Princess Bride, as well as other fairy tale updates l…Read More
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