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Monday, 23 April 2018

Full UK Trailer for Documentary 'Mansfield 66/67' on Jayne Mansfield

Mansfield Doc 66/67 Trailer

"Her whole life became chaos and drug use…" A new UK trailer has debuted for a creative musical dance / art documentary titled Mansfield 66/67, which premiered at many higher profile film festivals last year. This film already opened very quietly in the US last fall, but we never wrote about it or featured it. Now that it has a new UK trailer for its upcoming release there, why not toss this out for anyone curious. Mansfield 66/67 is about the last two years of movie goddess Jayne Mansfield's life, and the rumours swirling around her untimely death. "5 kids, 3 ex-husbands, and the first top actress to go nude on film, Jayne Mansfield is Hollywood Babylon made flesh! Was her tragic end caused by a curse?" Find out in this film and learn more about Jayne than you probably ever wanted to know. This looks like a very wild trip into her life and death.

The full UK trailer (+ poster) for P. David Ebersole & Todd Hughes 's doc Mansfield 66/67, on YouTube:

Mansfield 66/67 Poster

A musical dance/art film documentary about the last two years of Jayne Mansfield's life, Mansfield 66/67 explores the legend of a uniquely enduring mega-watt star and the myth of her death being caused by a curse. In 1966, Jayne was 33 and she lived in a Pink Palace. Ahead of her time and refusing to play by society's rules, this astounding and amazing bombshell embarks on a wild and ultimately tragic psychedelic adventure with lawyer/boyfriend Sam Brody in tow, desperately trying to redefine herself and what a woman of her era could be. Mansfield 66/67 is co-directed by filmmakers P. David Ebersole (Hit So Hard, Straight Right) & Todd Hughes (Incense and Peppermints, Reflection of Evil, The New Women). This first premiered at the Rotterdam Film Festival last year, and played at numerous other film festivals throughout 2017. It's already available on VOD in the US. Mansfield 66/67 will be released in the UK starting on May 11th next month. For more release info, visit the film's official site. Anyone interested?

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