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Friday, 28 August 2015

First Trailer for Powerful Climate Change Doc 'This Changes Everything'

This Changes Everything Trailer

"Change. Or be changed." This is powerful. And maybe it can change everything. Working in tandem with author/journalist Naomi Klein, director Avi Lewis is ready to premiere their documentary This Changes Everything, based on Klein's bestselling book of the same name. It's a searing and alarming look at the environmental disaster we are on the brink of, and it reaches further by connecting with the very people affected by and linked to these realities. Filmed in nine countries on five continents over four years, the doc is executive produced by Alfonso Cuaron, Seth MacFarlane, Danny Glover and Shepard Fairey, and narrated by Klein. This looks like the kind of harrowing, brutally honesty doc that everyone should see. Take a look.

Here's the first trailer for Avi Lewis' documentary This Changes Everything, direct from YouTube:

From Directed by Avi Lewis and produced in conjunction with Lewis' partner Naomi Klein's bestselling book of the same name, This Changes Everything is an urgent dispatch on climate change that eschews the abstract and rhetorical in favour of the personal and immediate. With Klein serving as narrator and guide, the film explores how our violent disregard for our planet has endangered both it and ourselves — and how resisting this abuse and opposing the forces that propagate it can have a profound — even revolutionary — impact upon the makeup of our society. This doc is premiering at the Toronto Film Festival and other fests this fall, so stay tuned. No US release date is set yet. Read Naomi Klein's book here.


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