The second coming of Deadpool reveals the villain of the movie is… Cable?
How many Deadpool 2 trailers does this one make? Four? It feels like we just got one the other week. I’m not complaining. I could watch Ryan Reynolds goof around as the Merc with a Mouth in an infinite combination of wacky scenarios and formats. Bring on the movie, or tease us with a string of whack-job short films. Whether he’s belittling his poor cabbie friend or smashing some future man in the face, I am here for all Deadpool zaniness.
The latest red band trailer, which Reynolds tweeted out this morning, offers a few more hints as to what the actual plot of the film will be. Cable is on a warpath, and Deadpool is going to need a little help from his friends. We should also thank Reynolds for managing our expectations and letting us know that the film falls somewhere between The Godfather Part II and Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.
How to Destroy Paris (In Your Movie)
Some technical discussions are vague enough to be meaningless, and while this focus on Edge of Tomorrow‘s destruction of Paris is still easy enough to digest, it also achieves a few specifics that make it interesting.
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The 15 Must See Summer Movies of 2015
One of the most anticipated summer movie seasons in as long as I can remember begins this Friday. In the summer of 2015, we will get yet another explosion of Marvel hero movies, an update on several beloved franchises, some …Read More
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