The second coming of Deadpool reveals the villain of the movie is… Cable?
How many Deadpool 2 trailers does this one make? Four? It feels like we just got one the other week. I’m not complaining. I could watch Ryan Reynolds goof around as the Merc with a Mouth in an infinite combination of wacky scenarios and formats. Bring on the movie, or tease us with a string of whack-job short films. Whether he’s belittling his poor cabbie friend or smashing some future man in the face, I am here for all Deadpool zaniness.
The latest red band trailer, which Reynolds tweeted out this morning, offers a few more hints as to what the actual plot of the film will be. Cable is on a warpath, and Deadpool is going to need a little help from his friends. We should also thank Reynolds for managing our expectations and letting us know that the film falls somewhere between The Godfather Part II and Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.
Dafne Keen Leaps from ‘Logan’ to ‘His Dark Materials’‘Les Misérables’ director Tom Hooper is slated to helm the eight-part series.
Things did not go extremely well the first time Philip Pullman’s iconic children’s book series “His Dark Materials” was adapted for the screen. The…Read More
The Enduring Feminist Vision of ‘The Silence of the Lambs’Why Clarice Starling is one of the most important female characters of all-time.
“If he sees her as a person and not just an object, it’s harder to tear her up.”
This line is spoken by Clarice Starling, the legendary charac…Read More
Martin Scorsese’s Joker Movie Will Pay Homage to Martin ScorseseNew plot details reveal ‘The King of Comedy’ as another inspiration for the DC villain’s backstory.
We’re so wrapped up in nostalgia and homage culture that filmmakers are now paying tribute to themselves. Steven Spielberg si…Read More
Mackenzie Davis to Star in the New ‘Terminator’The ‘Blade Runner 2049’ actress will reportedly be one of two female leads in the reboot.
The Terminator reboot has already tried to convince us of its mettle, mostly by re-hiring old favorites in order to right the wron…Read More
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