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Friday, 29 September 2017

Short Film Friday: Modern Dance ‘Ascension’ Finds ‘Planet Earth’ Style

By Jacob Oller

This short will put cinematography fans in helicopter heaven.

Silent short films need to lean heavily on their cinematography because when all you have is visuals, they really have to pop. This is why most shorts either emphasize their directors’ visual talents or their wit as writers. Ascension tackles the former in its abstraction.

Ascension is a piece of modern dance set in stark, beautiful landscapes instead of a stage. Directors David Tenniswood and Tyler McGrath capture Gilbert Small’s performance of sleek choreography elegantly and mix in nature porn so vivid it would make the Discovery Channel blush. Its staff pick status over on Vimeo has served it well and its beauty will bring even more views in the future.

The article Short Film Friday: Modern Dance ‘Ascension’ Finds ‘Planet Earth’ Style appeared first on Film School Rejects.


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