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Friday, 21 July 2017

This is the Way the World Ends (in the Movies): A Catastrophic Supercut

By H. Perry Horton

Apocalypse WOW!

There are asteroids drifting through space right now the size of Texas that could extinguish human life in a heartbeat. A fair-sized gamma-ray burst could do the same thing. Or a black hole, or, of course, aliens. Then there are the terrestrial harbingers of mass extinction – drought, famine, pestilence, climate change – not to mention the man-made ones like war, nuclear annihilation, incompetent governments, over-population, and pollution.

Point is, the end is always near, whether on an individual level or a global one, and the closer we get to it, the more fascinated we are by it, which is why dozens upon dozens of films have been dedicated to the complete cessation of civilization, society, and life as we all know it.

Armageddon, Deep Impact, 2012, This is the End, Dr. Strangelove, Take Shelter, Melancholia, Miracle Mile, The Day After, The Day After Tomorrow, On The Beach, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 100° Below Zero, Wargames, I Am Legend, War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still and so very many more all take as their subject the only one that truly matters: the end of the world.

In the following supercut from You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat (great name), apocalypse movies of all types have been gathered and assembled into the most catastrophic four minutes on the internet today. Press play and kiss your ass goddbye.

The article This is the Way the World Ends (in the Movies): A Catastrophic Supercut appeared first on Film School Rejects.

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