Now that we’ve had time to process Ex Machina, it’s easy to recognize that we haven’t had enough time to fully process Ex Machina. However, we’re going to dive into the deep end of its concepts, philosophies and plot devices with writer/director Alex Garland. We’ll also discuss the game theory of misdirecting your audience and compare the isolation of Ex Machina to Garland’s other scripts.
Plus, with Geoff still on assignment, we’re pleased to have author and screenwriter Jason Arnopp fill in as guest-host for a conversation about what horror and sci-fi have in common.
You should follow Jason (@jasonarnopp), the show (@brokenprojector), Geoff (@drgmlatulippe) and Scott (@scottmbeggs) on Twitter for more on a daily basis.
On This Week’s Show:
- Nowhere To Hide [0:00 – 1:00]
- Science Fiction Horror Show aka Robot Of Death [1:00 – 26:45]
- From The Machine, God [26:45 – 44:30]
- Heroes of the Week [44:30 – 46:00]
Get In Touch With Us:
- Call Broken Projector: (512) 212-1301
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