“It seems, at first, like an impossible caper,” begins Jordan Hoffman, writing for the Guardian. “Can Steven Soderbergh bring something new to the heist genre after his outstanding Oceans trilogy? The answer, as always, is to have faith in the . . .
Repertory Pick: A French Crime Classic Goes to Princeton Tonight, the Princeton Garden Theatre in Princeton, New Jersey, will present Louis Malle’s 1958 Elevator to the Gallows. Starring Jeanne Moreau and Maurice Ronet as an adulterous couple who carry out a carefully plotted murd…Read More
On the Channel: Tatsuya Nakadai Remembers Sanjuro The illustrious résumé of Tatsuya Nakadai doubles as a snapshot of Japanese cinema in its golden age. Starting in the 1950s, the wildly prolific actor made a career out of shape-shifting, amassing credits in a wide range of …Read More
Buena Vista Social Club: A City in Time A group of Cuba’s most seasoned musicians became an international sensation upon the release of this acclaimed documentary portrait.
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Katharine Hepburn Takes Control in Woman of the Year Fresh off her successful collaboration with George Cukor on The Philadelphia Story, Katharine Hepburn secured her comeback after a brief career slump with George Stevens’s 1942 Woman of the Year. This clever battle-of-the-se…Read More
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