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Monday, 24 April 2017

Cameron's Next Set of 'Avatar' Sequels Rescheduled Again Until 2020


The wait continues! Over the weekend, 20th Century Fox updated a few release dates for upcoming projects, and also announced a new set of release dates for the Avatar sequels. We've been waiting years, and years, for these sequels and we're not sure when exactly they will show up… But maybe this time it's official? Only Cameron knows. Fox has announced the first Avatar sequel (Avatar 2) will open December 18th, 2020, followed by Avatar 3 on December 17th, 2021, continuing three years later with 4 on December 20th, 2014, and finally concluding with 5 on December 19th, 2025. So it starts three years from now, and plays on for 5 years to see it all play out. Oh boy. This is worse than waiting a few years for Lord of the Rings! But this is expected from Cameron, and at least they've announced something - we'll see if it holds up this time.

Back in 2013 we also posted an announcement from Fox that the new Avatar sequels would hit theaters in 2016 - three years from that announcement. Once again, this is the same thing with this news - it's 2017, and three years from now (2020) is when they're now scheduled to open. So every few years, they change the release and delay them another three years. But hopefully this is the last time. Maybe it'll be a nice sci-fi nod to release them when we hit 2020. The final Star Wars: Episode IX movie currently scheduled (with no doubt more on the way) is set for May of 2019. Maybe this is Fox also trying to stake out a few key December release dates before Disney tries to put in more Star Wars or something. We already know that Cameron has been delaying these sequels more to give it time for technology to evolve, but we just want to see them.

The first Avatar opened in theaters originally in December 2009. Some critics on Twitter have already been wondering who will even remember or think about Avatar in 2020. These have been delayed so long, and we've been waiting so long for sequels that we were promised years ago (already). It's a good point, except that we all know the marketing and buzz will help them be huge hits, as is always the case with Cameron. Plus, they're about to open Avatarland (Pandora: World of Avatar) at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. We will all still be talking about Avatar, again, whenever James Cameron damn well pleases him, because he'll make a big ruckus, and the footage will look amazing, and we'll all have to go see these movies. That's just the way it goes with James Cameron. And I'm still looking forward to seeing them, however long they take.


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