Whoa. This short film from filmmaker Brent Bonacorso features a giant kaiju alien creature that arrives on Earth, but it's actually a story about finding ourselves. The Narrow World is a film about an alien visitor that settles in Los Angeles, but it's completely passive and silent in response to any interaction. "The best monsters are always metaphors, either for an outside force, or for an aspect of the human condition," Brent explains. "The latter is what inspired me here. The subconscious mind that drives our actions by brute force, but that we're most often completely unaware of. Something that feels alien to us, an incredibly powerful outsider that lives within us." I dig the visuals, and admire the message in this, it's definitely worth a watch.
Thanks to Vice's Creators for the tip on this. Description from Vimeo: "The Narrow World is the story of a gigantic alien that crashes to Earth and takes up residence in Los Angeles. Contrary to expectations, when the alien is neither hostile towards the tiny humans around it, nor communicative in any way, it falls on the populace to decipher what, exactly, this visitor wants and what it means for them. One man sees more to it - a message, perhaps, that may tell us less about the alien, and more about our deepest inner selves, about the mysteries of the soul." The Narrow World is written & directed by Brent Bonacorso; cinematography by Magdalena Gorka. For more info, visit Brent's official website. For more shorts, click here. Your thoughts?
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