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Thursday, 18 August 2016

Official Trailer for 'Do Not Resist' Doc on the Current State of Policing

Do Not Resist Trailer

"We are at war - and you are the front-line troops in this war." Vanish Films has released an official trailer for the "chilling" documentary Do Not Resist, a powerful look at the current state of policing in America. Directed by cinematographer Craig Atkinson, this doc begins on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri and progresses through a number of different situations and key moments in history. It also includes views from both sides of the battle – the public and the police – with a SWAT ride-along and police training seminar profiled. This is obviously a very major topic in America at this time in history, and it's fascinating to see this kind of documentary arriving right in the thick of it, when there is no real solution to any problems just yet. This is a fantastic trailer - it let's all the footage speak for itself without trying to explain too much else.

Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Craig Atkinson's doc Do Not Resist, in high def on Apple:

Do Not Resist Doc Poster

Starting on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, as the community grapples with the death of Michael Brown, Do Not Resist - the directorial debut of Detropia cinematographer Craig Atkinson - offers a stunning look at the current state of policing in America and a glimpse into the future. The Tribeca Film Festival winner for Best Documentary puts viewers in the center of the action - from a ride-along with a South Carolina SWAT team and inside a police training seminar that teaches the importance of "righteous violence" to the floor of a congressional hearing on the proliferation of military equipment in small-town police departments - before exploring where controversial new technologies including predictive policing algorithms could lead the field next. This first premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival this year and also played at Hot Docs. VANISH Films will open Do Not Resist in theaters starting September 30th this fall.


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