"How would a proton pack work?" This is cool! Following the debut of the first official trailer for Paul Feig's new Ghostbusters, a new featurette has been discovered along with a new viral website. Hidden in one of the frames in the various math equations written out on the whiteboard is a web address leading to paranormalstudieslab.com. The site just contains various data and info and documents, so far all about the proton packs. The new featurette is also specifically about the proton packs and the people from MIT they brought in to design them to be as realistic as possible. The perfect compliment to that impressive first trailer, since the new proton packs are featured prominently throughout. Can't wait to see more from this.
Here's the hidden making of featurette for Paul Feig's Ghostbusters on YouTube; found on the viral site.
For more updates visit the site: paranormalstudieslab.com. Thanks to Sean S. on Twitter for the tip. We expect there will be more posted in the next few months leading up to release. Follow @PaulFeig for more.
The upcoming Ghostbusters movie, directed by Paul Feig, will star Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones as the new Ghostbusters. Reportedly, the villain will be a "creepy mechanical genius". Chris Hemsworth also stars as the receptionist. There's also the role of Martin Heiss, a professional debunker of the supernatural who tries to disprove the antics of the Ghostbusters after some videos of theirs go viral. The project is currently filming, with Paul Feig posting updates on Twitter - follow him @paulfeig. Sony Pictures will release this brand new Ghostbusters movie, directed by Paul Feig from a screenplay by Katie Dippold and Paul Feig, in theaters everywhere starting July 22nd, 2016 this summer.
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