In the event that you took the weekend off from watching television, ingesting pop culture and checking your Twitter timeline, here’s something you missed. In easily the best sketch of his Saturday Night Live episode, Adam Driver went back under the mask (and perfectly coiffed hair) of Kylo Ren for a little Undercover Boss spoof.
In Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base, the Star Wars: The Force Awakens bad guy goes undercover as a radar technician named Matt to get to know his employees better. He learns about teamwork, micromanagement and finds out exactly what some Stormtroopers think of Kylo Ren.
Watch the clip below:
Driver’s SNL was a little hit or miss, but this was an obvious standout. If you missed the episode, you may also want to check out a few other sketches below.
“Golden Globes”
(This one answers a question that has been plaguing me for years. Yes, it was a question about Liev Schreiber.)
“Porn Doctor”
(Up until Saturday night, I had never heard the term “big thigh” before.)
(This one did nothing to diminish the massive crush we all have on Cecily Strong, by the way.)
“America’s Funniest Cats”
(This one got dark.)
There’s one sketch about the Packers/Cardinals NFL game that has not yet been made available by Saturday Night Live. If that one does pop up online, you should seek it out. Anyone who does (or has in the past) watched a football game commentated by Chris Collinsworth will get a good laugh out of it.
Overall, Driver’s first hosting job on SNL was alright. It didn’t have the same energy as recent episodes hosted by the likes of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler or Ryan Gosling, but it was a nice showcase for Driver’s range as an actor. Up to this point, there are two camps of audiences that know him well. Those who know that he can be manic, complex and often funny on Girls. And those who know him as the emo prince of darkness from The Force Awakens. There’s crossover between those two camps, sure. But SNL was an opportunity for a wider audience to get to know Adam Driver a little better. Everything from talking about his history in the military in the opening monologue to his singing chops in the “Aladdin” sketch. Even though it will be best digested in YouTube clips days later, it’s safe to say that his first SNL episode was a success.
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