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Tuesday, 1 December 2015

You Say Hello, Your Favorite Game of Thrones Characters Say Goodbye

“Everybody dies sooner or later. Don’t worry about your death. Worry about your life.”

That’s the poignant closing quote of Fernando Andrés’ supercut, “Valar Morghulis,” which juxtaposes the first and final appearances of Game of Thrones characters who have been introduced and subsequently lost along the way. It’s wisdom being imparted upon young Robert Arryn by the maestro of demises himself, Littlefinger.

As Andrés explains in his description for the video, Game of Thrones is “sprawling, merciless universe is peppered with characters upon characters, many of whom we have said goodbye to by this point in the show. I began to notice how while some characters did not last very long, there were others that when met with their demise had shown a great deal of physical and emotional change. And so, I took the very first shots in which we see these characters introduced to the show (their first close-up shots, that is) and juxtaposed it with their very last close-up shot — many of which show them meeting a very brutal end. The result is a strangely hypnotic way of understanding how Game of Thrones looks at how no matter our nobility or our wealth, we all die the same.”

And unless you are that one guy, death is not just brutal, it is permanent.

Valar Morghulis, indeed.


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