Simon Pegg is letting it all hang out. Not long ago, we were spotting him on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, where long-time collaborator J.J. Abrams had put him inside one of the new film’s many fun creatures. It’s all part of what we consider to be the era of fanboy filmmaking. Some of the highest profile nerds in the business — the likes of Pegg and Abrams — are getting a shot at making a new version of something they loved.
And oh boy, does Simon Pegg love Star Wars. Just not the prequels.
Pegg’s distaste for the prequels isn’t just something he’s said. It’s something he’s lived and infused into his own projects, including the long-winded diatribes that his character on the BBC series Spaced (which he created alongside Edgar Wright and Jessica Hynes) was prone to spouting. It was one of the hallmarks of Spaced, a show that had many wonderful hallmarks:
In an interview with the New York Daily News, Pegg reaffirmed his opinion on both the prequels and the people who vehemently defend said movies:
I don’t really have any respect for anyone who thinks those films are good. They’re not. (They’re) a monumental misunderstanding of what the (original) three films are about. It’s an exercise in utter infanticide … (like) George Lucas killing his kid.
Strong words. I don’t know if I’ve ever hated the prequels in quite the same way that Pegg does. They’re not good movies. There’s no two ways about it. But as with religion and politics, I try to at least respect everyone else’s right to have an opinion, even if it’s clearly wrong. Then again, there are a lot of strong opinions out there when it comes to the Star Wars prequels. And Simon Pegg is a man of principals.
Hopefully The Force Awakens will be excellent and we can all forget that the prequels ever existed. Right…?
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