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Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Mickey Rourke & Freida Pinto in 'Blunt Force Trauma' Official Trailer

Blunt Force Trauma

"This one feels different." The official UK trailer has debuted for a new film called Blunt Force Trauma, starring Mickey Rourke, Ryan Kwanten and Freida Pinto. Despite that rather interesting cast, this is actually going straight-to-DVD and looks a bit like a low budget clunker with some very underlit scenes. The film is about gunfighters, or modern day gun-slingers who actually fight with pistols and bulletproof vests. You know what, that is a cool idea I'll give them that, but this has other problems. Anyway, the cast includes Jon Mack, Jason Gibson, Carolina Gómez and Maruia Shelton. Check it out below if you're curious.

Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Ken Sanzel's Blunt Force Trauma, direct from YouTube:

Blunt Force Trauma Poster

From cockfighting rings and train yards, to basements and barns across South America, modern-day warriors put on bulletproof vests and battle one another in underground gunfights to gain riches and respect. It's known only as "The Game" and Zorringer (Rourke) is its elusive champion. John (Kwanten) is looking for the ultimate duel with Zorringer while Colt is seeking revenge for the death of her brother. The two gunslingers travel from one shootout to another on a dangerous journey of love, violence, and clandestine battles. Blunt Force Trauma is written and directed by Ken Sanzel, of the films Lone Hero and Scar City, plus some TV work. The film goes straight to DVD andVOD in the UK starting October 5th.

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