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Friday 29 April 2016

Watch: Alec Baldwin in Trailer for Sci-Fi 'Andròn - The Black Labyrinth'

Andron Trailer

"All this is Andròn - the quest for the contenders." The first trailer has debuted for an interesting sci-fi film called Andròn - The Black Labyrinth, or just Andron. It's about a dark, claustrophobic maze being run by Alec Baldwin, who broadcasts the fights of the various contenders hoping to survive. This seems like some weird mash-up of Cube and The Hunger Games, with a dose of The Maze Runner because of course. The ensemble cast includes Michelle Ryan, Danny Glover, Leo Howard, Gale Harold, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Gaia Scodellaro and Margareth Madè. There are some cool moments in this (the opening looks great) but I'm not sure if it'll be any good, especially with such a low IMDb rating. Fire it up.

Here's the first trailer for Francesco Cinquemani's Andròn - The Black Labyrinth, found on YouTube:

Andròn - The Black Labyrinth

A group of people are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight to survive, as the outside world watches. Andron, titled in full Andròn - The Black Labyrinth, is both written & directed by Italian filmmaker Francesco Cinquemani (Offstage: Lontano dal palco), who started our in journalism before making the leap to filmmaking. This film first premiered at the Science+Fiction Festival in Trieste, Italy in 2015. We don't know the exact release date for the US opening yet, but Andron is expected to open in theaters sometime in the next few months. Visit the official site for more info. What do you make of this?


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