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Monday 30 November 2015

Making Of Featurette on the Stop-Motion Animation in 'Anomalisa'


It's still so amazing that a couple of studios are actually making stop-motion animation feature films every year. The creative skill, patience and artistic vision that goes into creating a full-length stop-motion movie is so impressive, and it's always interesting to get a glimpse at that process. Paramount has released a new behind-the-scenes featurette for the indie drama Anomalisa, the new Charlie Kaufman film co-directed by Duke Johnson, which is a stop-motion film that has been earning rave reviews at film festivals. "Anomalisa is 118,089 Frames of Film. Each Animator had a goal of 2 seconds (48 frames) of animation per day. See how it all came together…" I wish they showed more here, but they're probably saving it for the DVD release.

Here's the making of featurette for Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson's Anomalisa, from Paramount:

If you haven't seen the full trailer for Anomalisa, watch it here. And read this review from Telluride.

Michael Stone, husband, father and respected author of "How May I Help You Help Them?" is a man crippled by the mundanity of his life. On a business trip to Cincinnati, where he's scheduled to speak at a convention of customer service professionals, he checks into the Fregoli Hotel. There, he is amazed to discover a possible escape from his desperation in the form of an unassuming Akron baked goods sales rep, Lisa, who may or may not be the love of his life. Anomalisa is co-directed by Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson (animation work on "Community", "Moral Orel", "Mary Shelley's Frankenhole"), from a screenplay by Charlie Kaufman (Synecdoche New York, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Being John Malkovich), originally based on a play. This premiered at the Telluride, Venice and Toronto Film Festivals. Paramount will release Anomalisa in select theaters first starting December 30th, before wide in January.


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