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Monday, 9 November 2020

Overparenting Examined in First Trailer for 'Chasing Childhood' Doc

Chasing Childhood Trailer

"Where did all this fear come from?" Good question. An official trailer has debuted for a documentary titled Chasing Childhood, which is made by two veteran doc producers directing their first film. It's premiering at the DOC NYC Film Festival this month - hence the trailer arriving now. Chasing Childhood was filmed before the pandemic, but the issues explored are even more profoundly relevant today: what is the changing landscape of contemporary childhood and parenting? What is best for my kid? These questions transcend zip code and demographics. Chasing Childhood is a feature documentary that explores the rapidly changing landscape of contemporary childhood and parenting. Most importantly the film focuses on the importance of "free play" and the openness to let your kids be independent and run off on their own. I really love what she says at the end of this trailer: "All the worry in the world doesn't prevent death, it prevents life." Exactly.

First trailer (+ poster) for Munzer Loeb & Wurmfeld's doc Chasing Childhood, on Vimeo (via Indiewire):

Chasing Childhood Poster

In today's highly charged world of structure, stranger danger, helicopter parenting, free play in childhood has disappeared, giving way to unprecedented anxiety and depression. This phenomenon impacts kids from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Children's lives are consumed with wall-to-wall activities and constant monitoring-the overprotected, over-directed, over-pressured childhood is the new normal. This doc film takes us to schools in affluent Wilton, CT; working class Patchogue, NY; and metropolitan Manhattan. Throughout these different stories, a central question emerges: How can we eschew harmful parenting strategies and empower our kids to become their most fully realized, authentic selves? The film offers possible solutions as journalist Lenore Skenazy, evolutionary psychologist Peter Gray, former dean of freshmen at Stanford University Julie Lythcott-Haims, and leaders of the "free play" movement fight to restore a less curated childhood. Chasing Childhood is co-directed by filmmakers Margaret Munzer Loeb & Eden Wurmfeld, both doc producers who are directing their first film. This is premiering at the DOC NYC Film Festival this year. No release dates are set yet. For more info, visit the film's official website.


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