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Thursday, 3 September 2020

First Teaser for Julie Taymor's 'The Glorias' Starring Julianne Moore

The Glorias Teaser Trailer

"This is the year of Women's Liberation!" Roadside has finally unveiled the first teaser trailer for the film The Glorias, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Julie Taymor (Frida, Across the Universe). This originally premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year to mixed reviews, along with some praise for the ambition. The film tells the story of feminist icon Gloria Steinem's itinerant childhood's influence on her life as a writer, activist and organizer for women's rights worldwide. The title is "The Glorias" (plural) because various actresses play Steinem at different stages of her life: Alicia Vikander, Julianne Moore, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, and Lulu Wilson as play Gloria. The cast also includes a number of iconic women who made profound contributions to the women's movement over the years, including Dorothy Pitman Hughes (Janelle Monáe), Flo Kennedy (Lorraine Toussaint), Bella Abzug (Bette Midler), Dolores Huerta (Monica Sanchez), and Wilma Mankiller (Kimberly Guerrero). The film will be skipping theaters and playing on VOD right away, and this is just a teaser to build buzz. The full trailer will debut later this month.

Here's the first teaser trailer (+ poster) for Julie Taymor's The Glorias, direct from Roadside's YouTube:

The Glorias Poster

Journalist, fighter, and feminist Gloria Steinem is an indelible icon known for her world-shaping activism, guidance of the revolutionary women's movement, and writing that has impacted generations. In this nontraditional biopic, Taymor crafts a complex tapestry of one of the most inspirational and legendary figures of modern history, based on Steinem's own memoir My Life on the Road. The Glorias (Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, Lulu Wilson, and Ryan Keira Armstrong) traces Steinem's influential journey to prominence—from her time in India as a young woman, to the founding of Ms. magazine in New York, to her role in the rise of the women’s rights movement in the 1960s, to the historic 1977 National Women's Conference and beyond. The Glorias is directed by visionary American filmmaker Julie Taymor, director of the films Titus, Frida, Across the Universe, The Tempest, and Taymor's A Midsummer Night's Dream previously. The screenplay is written by Sarah Ruhl and Julie Taymor, adapted from Gloria Steinem's book "My Life on the Road". This initially premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. Roadside will release Taymor's The Glorias on VOD + Amazon starting September 30th later this month. Can you dig?

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