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Tuesday, 25 August 2020

First Trailer for Re-Edited 'Paradise' Merges 'Prometheus' & 'Covenant'

Paradise Trailer

"They are false gods." This sounds like a must watch. An editor named Job Willins has put together a new project titled Paradise, and it's now available to watch / download online. Paradise is a homemade editing project combining Prometheus and Alien: Covenant into a single, David-centric narrative. We all know that despite Ridley Scott returning to the Alien franchise for two movies, the results were a bit mixed. Some love them, some hate them. Some love one of the movies, but hate the other one… But the best part about them both - David, the android character played by Michael Fassbender. So that's why he wanted to craft something borrowing the storylines from both movies and condense everything into one movie. We've seen this before - Topher Grace once edited a single movie from the three Star Wars prequels, just for fun. This new cut features parallel (rather than chronological) narratives that come from both films. I want to watch.

Here's the teaser trailer (+ poster) for Job Willins' project Paradise, direct from Vimeo (via his Tumblr):

Paradise Poster

Paradise is a fan-made movie created by Job Willins - follow him on Twitter @JobWillins or on Vimeo. He explains on his Tumblr: "Paradise is an editing project combining Prometheus and Alien: Covenant into a single, David-centric narrative. The goal was to intercut material from both films to tell a story in a way that favors the strengths of both. With a runtime of about 2.5 hours, I aimed to enhance much of the excitement and mystery from the two films by unfolding them in parallel and playing them off one-another. This method also allowed opportunities to emphasize the major theme of creator/creation relationship that runs through both stories and hopefully achieve a unique viewing experience rather than merely a significantly abridged double-feature." For more info on the project, and to find download links to watch, visit Willins' Tumblr post here. He even test screened early versions of this to hone the final cut. So… what do you think?

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