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Monday, 1 June 2020

Official Red Band Trailer for Streaming Fame Horror Film 'Framed'

Framed Trailer

"The time is near." Strand Releasing has unveiled an official red band trailer for the indie horror thriller titled Framed, made by Spanish filmmaker Marc Martínez. This first premiered at the 2017 Molins Film Festival in Spain, and played at other small festivals all over the world for a few years. It's finally getting a VOD release this summer in the US. Framed is another one of these eye-roll-inducing concepts about an app that lets people stream whatever, without censorship, so of course people get violent and disgusting with it. Three "players" crash a party and force the party-goers into cruel games and tortures being broadcast live. Ugh. I'm so tired of these horror films, glorifying fame and popularity and torture. Starring Joe Manjón, Alex Maruny, Clàudia Pons, Julia Molins, and Enric Aunquer. This is definitely not for most people.

Here's the official red band trailer (+ poster) for Marc Martínez's Framed, direct from Strand's YouTube:

Framed Poster

Framed Poster

"Framed" is an app that allows anyone to stream video online from any mobile device with no censorship or oversight, where participants are willing to do anything for an audience. When three wildly demented users crash Alex’s farewell party, they turn everyone at the party into players in their perverse and brutally sadistic game, while they stream everything online. They have one goal: to gain an audience. Framed is directed by Spanish filmmaker Marc Martínez Jordán (aka Marc Martínez), director of the film Los Inocentes, and a segment of Minutes Past Midnight previously, as well as a few other short films. The screenplay is written by Jaume Cuspinera and Marc Martínez Jordán. Produced by Marc Carreté and Carles Herrera. This first premiered at the Molins Film Festival last year. Strand will release Martínez's Framed direct-to-VOD starting July 7th this summer. For more info, visit their official website. Curious?


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