"If you work together, you can beat them!" Amazon Prime Video has unveiled the first official trailer for a hijacking thriller titled 7500, which first premiered at the Locarno Film Festival last year. The film is the feature directorial debut of a German filmmaker named Patrick Vollrath, and tells the story of a flight from Berlin to Paris that is co-piloted by a soft-spoken young American, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The concept here is that the pilots lock themselves into the cockpit when hijackers try to take over, and can only communicate with them through the CCTV system in the airplane. What a extremely horrifying experience! The cast includes Carlo Kitzlinger, Aylin Tezel, Aurélie Thépaut, Murathan Muslu, Omid Memar, and Passar Hariky. This looks intense as hell, obviously, the whole point is to get your heart racing. Lots of shots of really pissed off, screaming Joe Gordon-Levitt in this, too. Just don't watch this before any flight.
Here's the first official trailer (+ poster) for Patrick Vollrath's 7500, direct from Prime Video's YouTube:
It looks like a routine day at work for Tobias, a soft-spoken young American co-pilot on a flight from Berlin to Paris as he runs through the preflight checklist with Michael, the pilot, and chats with Gökce, his flight-attendant girlfriend. But shortly after takeoff, terrorists armed with makeshift knives suddenly storm the cockpit, seriously wounding Michael and slashing Tobias' arm. Temporarily managing to fend off the attackers, a terrified Tobias contacts ground control to plan an emergency landing. But when the hijackers kill a passenger and threaten to murder more innocent people if he doesn't let them back into the cockpit, this ordinary man now faces an excruciating test. 7500 is directed by German filmmaker Patrick Vollrath, making his feature directorial debut after a bunch of short films previously. The screenplay is written by Patrick Vollrath and Senad Halilbasic. This first premiered at the Locarno Film Festival last year. Amazon will release Vollrath's 7500 streaming exclusively on Prime Video starting June 19th this summer.
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