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Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Hail to the King! 'The Evil Dead' is Returning to Drive-Ins This Summer

The Evil Dead

Well hello Mr. Fancy Pants!! We break from our usual trailer updates to bring you some exciting news about a horror classic returning to the big screen. Sam Raimi's original haunted house classic The Evil Dead is returning to drive-in cinemas! It's true! Grindhouse Releasing has confirmed a summer tour of drive-in cinemas this month - playing throughout the rest of June straight into July. With the coronavirus pandemic shutting down movie theaters worldwide, drive-in movie theaters have returned in force as the exciting new way to "go to the movie during a pandemic!" At least it's a way for everyone to gather under a big screen and watch movies together. And what couldn't be a better choice of a movie for the drive-in experience?! The Evil Dead, of course. If only it played as a double feature with the sequel/remake or with Army of Darkness.

Grindhouse just announced a number of drive-in locations showing The Evil Dead - visit their website. First up - three drive-ins located in Florida are showing the film this week, on Thursday, June 18th. Don't miss it. Additional locations coming up: Dearborn, MI, Coldwater, MI, Greenwood, SC, Coxsackie, NY, Houston, TX, and Sterling, IL (with Bruce Campbell in-person!!). Some nights it's playing with I Drink Your Blood (1970).

Sam Raimi's original horror film The Evil Dead was first released in 1981, though it didn't hit theaters until 1983. Starring Bruce Campbell and Ellen Sandweiss. Raimi made the sequel/remake, Evil Dead II, in 1987, followed by Army of Darkness in 1992. The entire trilogy has gone on to become a beloved cult classic horror series that many have tried to replicate, but none will ever top it. Raimi's The Evil Dead is the "OG" Ash-battles-demons movie, before it was turned into a comedy series with the subsequent sequels. If you've never seen it - watching this one at a drive-in is possibly the best way to experience it. For more info on the drive-in tour and to find tickets for the venues - head to Grindhouse Releasing. The film was also re-released back in 2010 in a nationwide tour. Grab your copy of the Book of the Dead - and we'll see you at the drive-in.

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