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Thursday, 25 June 2020

Dark, Demonic Possession Thriller 'Belzebuth' Trailer with Tobin Bell

Belzebuth Trailer

"He has experienced evil in its deepest, darkest form." RLJE Films has debuted an official US trailer for an indie horror titled Belzebuth, which originally premiered in 2017 at the Sitges Film Festival, and in 2018 at the Brussels Fantastic Film Festival. It's finally getting an official VOD release this summer. Special Agent Emanuel Ritter leads a police investigation into a series of strange, shocking deaths. But after a priest from the Vatican finds a link between the murders and an ancient demon, a descent into horror ensues. Starring Tobin Bell from the Saw franchise and Joaquín Cosío from "The Strain", "Belzebuth is a dark, terrifying new tale of demonic possession." The cast includes Tate Ellington, Giovanna Zacarías, Aurora Gil, and Aida López. I feel like everyone is over these possession horror films, yet they still keep making them.

Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Emilio Portes' Belzebuth, direct from RLJE's YouTube:

Belzebuth Poster

After losing his family in an extremely tragic way, Detective Ritter (Joaquín Cosio) must investigate a massacre at a school perpetrated by a student. What seemed like a pretty clear case becomes much more dense when a priest of the Vatican appears with another point of view. Belzebuth is directed by Mexican editor / filmmaker Emilio Portes, director of the films Meet the Head of Juan Pérez, Pastorela, and The Popcorn Chronicles previously. The screenplay is written by Luis Carlos Fuentes and Emilio Portes. This originally premiered at the Sitges Film Festival back in 2017, and it already opened in theaters in Mexico last year. RLJE Films will finally release Portes' Belzebuth direct-to-VOD starting on July 7th this summer.

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