"Ready the cage." Madman Films has unveiled the first official trailer for an Australian pitch-black comedy titled Below, made by a Norwegian-born Iranian-Australian filmmaker named Maziar Lahooti. In a near-future, darknet grifter Dougie is recruited to work security at a refugee detention centre. There, he is drawn into an underground operation blackmailing detainees to fight for profit for in a "underground fight club". When tragedy strikes courageous fighter Azad, Dougie surprisingly finds his hitherto dormant conscience and takes a stand. This stars Ryan Corr, Anthony LaPaglia, Phoenix Raei, Alison Whyte, Robert Rabiah, Morgana O'Reilly, and Zenia Star. "Below isn’t afraid to get its hands dirty as it tackles hard issues, resulting in a deliberately provocative dare of a film that’s bound to get audiences talking." It looks like some seriously ballsy satire. Not sure if it'll be any good, but I'm still curious. Get your first look below.
Here's the first official trailer (+ poster) for Maziar Lahooti's Below, direct from Madman's YouTube:
A pitch-black comedy with a uniquely provocative take on Australia's asylum-seeker detention system. When darkweb con-artist Dougie lands in the bloody deep end of a scam gone wrong, his gruff stepdad, Terry, agrees to pay off his debts. In return, Dougie must take a job at the refugee detention centre where Terry works. Ever the grifter, Dougie discovers a way to make cash by live-streaming the underground fight club run by the centre's morally bankrupt security staff. But when things inevitably go south, Dougie may be the only one willing to take a stand. Below is directed by the Norwegian-born Iranian-Australian filmmaker Maziar Lahooti, making his feature directorial debut after a number of short films previously. The screenplay is written by playwright Ian Wilding, adapted from his own award-winning play. This first premiered at the Melbourne Film Festival last year. Madman Films will release Lahoot's Below in Australia direct-to-VOD starting this July. No other international dates have been announced yet. Who's interested?
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