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Thursday, 23 April 2020

Official Trailer for Queer Feminist Vampires Horror 'Bit' Set in L.A.

Bit Vampire Film Trailer

"How would you like to hold the keys to the kingdom, for a change?" Provocator Films has debuted the official trailer for an indie horror coming-of-age dark comedy titled Bit, the latest from writer / director Brad Michael Elmore. This premiered at the Frameline Film Festival last year, and will be available to watch on VOD this month. Bit is the story of Laurel, a teenage transgender girl who moves to Los Angeles and falls in with a gang of intersectional feminist vampires. Not knowing if they want to kill her, befriend her or turn her, Laurel learns to understand the love and dangers of her new and first group of friends. Starring Nicole Maines as Laurel, with Diana Hopper, James Paxton, Zolee Griggs, Friday Chamberlain, Char Diaz, Tiffany Milian, and M.C. Gainey. This looks cool! Fun and spunky and, yes, biting. Have a taste.

Here's the first official trailer (+ poster) for Brad Michael Elmore's Bit, direct from Provocator's YouTube:

Bit Movie Poster

A transgender teenage girl named Laurel (Nicole Maines) on summer vacation in Los Angeles fights to survive after she falls in with four queer feminist vampires, who try to rid the city's streets of predatory men. Bit is both written and directed by horror filmmaker Brad Michael Elmore, director of the films The Wolfman's Hammer and Boogeyman Pop previously. Produced by Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson, Louis Steyn, T.J. Steyn, and Peter Winther. This premiered at the Frameline Film Festival in SF last year, and also played at MIX Copenhagen. Provocator Films will release Brad Michael Elmore's Bit direct-to-VOD starting April 24th this month. For more updates, follow @bitmovieforreal on Twitter. Anyone interested?

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