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Monday, 17 February 2020

Trailer for Superpowers Horror Film 'Transference: Escape the Dark'

Transference: Escape the Dark Trailer

"We all have our differences, but some of us, they can do things that aren't naturally possible…" Epic Pics has unveiled an official trailer for an indie horror thriller titled Transference: Escape the Dark, or just Transference for short. Hunted by an unstoppable secret agent, a brother must hide his twin sister and her supernatural abilities in a mental institution so that she does not fall prey to becoming an experiment in a classified government program. This genre mashup seems to be leaning more towards The New Mutants, in terms of superpower horror, than Brightburn. Though it just seems like an odd mix of ideas and cliches, not all of them meshing together that well. Transference stars Jeremy Ninaber, Melissa Joy Boerger, Tony Nash, and Jehan Hashim. This looks instantly forgettable, but it still might intrigue a few viewers.

Here's the full trailer (+ poster) for Matthew Ninaber's Transference: Escape the Dark, on YouTube:

Transference: Escape the Dark Poster

A boy, Joshua, is charged with the protection of his twin sister when their father passes, but she possesses a special ability and his greatest challenge will not be keeping her safe but keeping her hidden. Twenty years later, Joshua is struggling to cope with the events of his childhood and the choices he has made since. Out of desperation, he places Emma in a psychiatric compound against her will. Joshua is driven to the world of underground crime to maintain their secret. But he cannot earn enough to hide their past and someone has followed their trail of destruction. When a sinister visitor attempts to remove Emma from his care, Joshua comes to the most important realization he can make for himself, his sister, and the world. Transference: Escape the Dark is directed by Canadian filmmaker Matthew Ninaber, director of the films Last Run and Extraction Day previously. The screenplay is by Jennifer Lloyd, Matthew Ninaber, and Aaron Tomlin. Epic Pictures will release Ninaber's Transference direct-to-VOD starting March 10th next month.

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