"These days it's hard to know whether you can even hug someone." Tuffi Films has unveiled the first promo trailer for an indie anthology feature titled Force of Habit, which just recently premiered at the Goteborg Film Festival in Sweden last month. Tuffi Films put together this project to comment on gender stereotypes and sexism, and hired 15 different female directors and screenwriters to produce segments. This film, Force of Habit, includes six of the segments assembled into a 75 minute feature. The episodes represent four of the major gender-related problems in modern society: consent, rape, gaze, and power dynamics. From the looks of it, this is brutally honest and empowering, and the righteous slap-in-the-face that many still need. The ensemble cast includes Eero Ritala, Krista Kosonen, Pinja Sanaksenaho, Suvi Blick, and Julia Lappalainen. This looks terrific! Truly worth a watch. "Keep that same energy and you'll save the world."
Here's the first promo trailer (+ Finnish poster) for Tuffi Films' Force of Habit, direct from YouTube:
A film by seven directors shows us moments in women's lives that usually remain hidden. Force of Habit follows the lives of various women throughout one day. The all-female production explores the different forms of discrimination faced by women both in public and in private. Force of Habit, originally known as Tottumiskysymys in Finnish, is an anthology film crafted by seven unique female filmmakers, and made by the Finnish production company Tuffi Films. Featuring segments written and directed by these filmmakers: Reetta Aalto (Grey Violet: Odd One Out), Alli Haapasalo (Love & Fury, MTV3's "Shadow Lines"), Anna Paavilainen, Kirsikka Saari ("Paras vuosi ikinä"), Miia Tervo (Aurora, Santra ja puhuvat puut), Elli Toivoniemi (Once I Was a Dragonfly), and Jenni Toivoniemi (Games People Play). This just premiered at the Göteborg Film Festival in Sweden earlier this year, and originally opened in Finland late last year. It's still seeking international distribution deals - stay tuned for additional updates. Your thoughts? Intrigued?
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