"Do you ever think about the future?" Level 33 Entertainment is releasing this indie drama film in select theaters this month for those interested in watching. Scarborough is the latest film by English filmmaker Barnaby Southcombe (I, Anna), and it first premiered at the Warsaw Film Festival last year. Two couples - each comprising of a teacher and a student - spend a life-changing weekend at the seaside resort town of Scarborough, on the East Coast of England (on Google Maps). Starring Jessica Barden, Jordan Bolger, Edward Hogg, and Jodhi May. It looks like a very raw, intimate relationship drama that confronts many hard truths that none of us really want to deal with. Though it still has a distinct "based on a play" feeling.
Here's the official US trailer (+ poster) for Barnaby Southcombe's Scarborough, direct from YouTube:

Two couples - each comprising of a teacher and a student - spend a life-changing weekend at the seaside resort town of Scarborough. Scarborough is directed by English filmmaker Barnaby Southcombe, his second feature film after making I, Anna previously, as well as lots of other TV work. The screenplay is also written by Barnaby Southcombe, adapted from Fiona Evans' play. Produced by Christopher Granier-Deferre and Southcombe. This premiered at the Warsaw Film Festival last year. It opens in UK cinemas this month. Level 33 also debuted Southcombe's Scarborough in select US theaters on September 6th. Worth a look?
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