"How many times can we repel wave after wave of these tacky English invaders?" So how about a warm, fresh baguette to bring home this Monday? La Boulangerie is a short film written & directed by Luke Jin. After premiering at festivals in 2017, it's now available to watch online. A small bakery in the quaint French village of Castillonnès plots to banish British tourists forever, but a budding summer romance between a baker and an Englishman reveals an unlikely heroine. The short is actually a rather cute comedy, with some beautiful cinematography that plays right into the story. Starring Alix Bénézech as Claudia, with Steve Whiteley, Milly Keveren, and Renaud Calvet. This might just lift your spirits and give you a big smile.
Thanks to (producer) Amy for the tip on this. Original description from Vimeo: "An award winning comedy short film about the contentious relations between English tourists and rural French locals." La Boulangerie is written and directed by filmmaker Luke Jin, of the short The Odds of Happiness previously. Produced by Amy Banks (follow her @AmyLBanks). With cinematography by Eddie Thomas, and music composed by Mike MacLennan. This premiered at numerous film festivals back in 2017, playing around the world first. For more on the short, visit the film's official website or on Vimeo. To see more shorts, click here. Thoughts?
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