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Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Official Trailer for Petra Costa's Brazil Doc 'The Edge of Democracy'

The Edge of Democracy Trailer

"I fear our democracy was nothing but a short-lived dream…" Netflix has unveiled an official trailer for the highly acclaimed documentary The Edge of Democracy, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year to some rave reviews. This searing, fascinating, epic film examines the politics of Brazil, and the recent upheaval and collapse of democracy combined with political chaos in the country over the last decade. Made by talented filmmaker Petra Costa, she traces the history of modern Brazilian politics and shows both sides of the story, taking us deep inside the Brazilian government with remarkable access and jaw-dropping footage. I caught this film at Sundance and it's extraordinary, one of the best films of that fest and one of the best documentaries of the year. Our Sundance review is quoted in this trailer, and I've been telling everyone I meet about this film - the footage she has here is astounding. Another must see doc film.

Here's the official trailer (+ poster) for Petra Costa's doc The Edge of Democracy, from YouTube:

The Edge of Democracy Poster

A cautionary tale for these times of democracy in crisis - the personal and political fuse to explore one of the most dramatic periods in Brazilian history. Combining unprecedented access to leaders past and present, including Presidents Dilma Rousseff and Lula da Silva, with accounts of her own family's complex past, filmmaker Petra Costa witnesses their rise and fall and the tragically polarized nation that remains. The Edge of Democracy, also known as Democracia em Vertigem in Portuguese, is directed by acclaimed Brazilian doc filmmaker Petra Costa, director of the other docs Elena and Olmo & the Seagull previously. This premiered at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year (read our review), and also went on to play at CPH:DOX, Hot Docs, IndieLisboa, and the Montclair Film Festival. Netflix will debut Costa's The Edge of Democracy in select US theaters + streaming starting June 19th this month. Highly recommend watching.

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