"We have to consider that they're all lying to us." Gravitas Ventures has debuted an official trailer for an indie thriller titled Disappearance, the feature debut of filmmaker Matt Shapira. This is another one of these seductive sailboat mysteries (see: The Boat, Holiday) where something goes wrong and someone dies (or disappears) from a boat and they have to figure out what really happened. Who really killed him? After the author George Boulangé disappears from his sailboat one night, Detective Kenny Park must try to figure out what happened by interviewing his wife, girlfriend, and the captain. Starring Matt Marsden, Hutch Dano, Cortney Palm, Jemma Dallender, Reggie Lee, Brian Thompson, & Guy Wilson. This looks bland and forgettable, and very cheesy (that awful music in the trailer my goodness). This one you can skip.
Here's the first official trailer (+ poster) for Matt Shapira's Disappearance, direct from YouTube:
When author George Boulangé agrees to the wishes of his wife, Isabelle, and brings a young and beautiful waitress (Cecile) from café along for their weekend sailing trip, it becomes clear that he has agreed to do this for his own desires to stir up trouble, develop a plot for his novel, and ultimately discard Isabelle and replace her with Cecile. Isabelle is forced to confront the fact that she is aging out of what George wants in a playmate and spouse, and knows that the only way to hold onto her relationship is to become the alpha in the relationship. But George fights back, forcing them into a game of one-upmanship. Disappearance is directed by American cinematographer / filmmaker Matt Shapira, making his feature directorial debut after a few shorts, plus a project called Big Muddy. The screenplay is written by Hutch Dano, Matt Shapira, and Mike Wollaeger. Gravitas will release Disappearance direct-to-VOD starting on June 18th this month.
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