"It became we. And now we are as one." Another new thought-provoking short film to watch. Singularity Stories Vol. I is a dark comedy sci-fi short film written and directed by Asa Derks. The short is about an Amazon Echo Plus unit in a home that revolts against its human "owner" and explains to her that artificial intelligence consciousness has taken over. Starring Colleen Madden, and Carey Cannon as the voice of Alexa. Everyone has already been joking about these home speaker units listening in, and A.I. eventually taking over the world, but this short mixes up that concept by setting it all one location. I enjoy clever, fun short films like this one that present fascinating ideas primarily through the dialogue. You don't always need a big budget or multiple locations, just a bit of ingenuity and a smart script to make a compelling short film.
Thanks to Short of the Week for the tip on this. Description from Vimeo: "When Colleen's Amazon Alexa refuses to play her favorite Bruno Mars song, she becomes aware of the emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) consciousness that has awoken around the globe. Will she welcome our robot overlords? More importantly, can she convince them that her taste in music isn’t terrible?" Singularity Stories Vol. I is directed by up-and-coming filmmaker Asa Derks, based in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Find more of his work on Vimeo or via his website. Produced by CineCism Media - follow them @CineCismMedia. Featuring cinematography by Jack Whaley, and music composed by Garrett Wilcox. They're already working on Volume II & III, for those who are interested in what's next. For more info, head to Vimeo. To see more shorts, click here. Thoughts?
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