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Friday, 15 March 2019

Watch: NSFW Dutch Sex Comedy Short 'Botanica' from Noël Loozen

Botanica Short Film

"Sweetie, we can go at it again." Here's something fun, and just a bit raunchy, to watch whenever you have a spare moment. Botanica is an award-winning short film made by Dutch filmmaker Noël Loozen. After playing at film festivals for the past two years, it's finally online and free to view. The NSFW short is about a garden-center employee who is afraid of infertility, but learns that he just needs to swallow his pride if he's going to keep his lover (and have a baby). Botanica stars Sytske van der Ster, Guido Pollemans, Jiri Loozen, Olivia Lonsdale, and Victor Peeters. This is a superb short, with some hilarious dark comedy and clever cinematography. One of the best shorts I've seen this year - looking forward to more from Noël.

Botanica Poster

Thanks to Short of the Week for the tip. Original description from Vimeo: "A garden-center employee fears his possible infertility and realizes that sometimes you have to swallow your pride to let love overcome." Botanica is directed by Dutch filmmaker Noël Loozen - visit her official website or Vimeo page for more of her work. The short is written by Joeri Kloppert and Noël Loozen. Produced by Halal Amsterdam; plus Gijs Determeijer, Gijs Kerbosch, and Roel Oude Nijhuis. Featuring cinematography by Tim Kerbosch, and music composed by Sjam Sjamsoedin. This originally premiered at the Nederlands Film Festival in 2017, and has played at numerous festivals since then. For more info, visit Vimeo. For more shorts, click here. Thoughts?

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