"It was such a revelation that I could surrender myself to him." Grasshopper Film has debuted an official US trailer for a documentary titled Buddy, the latest film made by renowned Dutch-Peruvian filmmaker Heddy Honigmann. The film is a poignant and carefully composed portrait of six service dogs and their owners. "Fascinating, multi-talented, indispensable dogs and their loving masters." Heddy spends time with six disabled (or elderly) individuals, many of them from the Netherlands, and shows us how important & connected each owner is with their respective service doggie. It's a very lovely, humble, heartwarming film about how much of a difference dogs make in this world. A must-see for any and every dog lover out there. And I'm glad that Grasshopper is bringing this film to US cinemas this spring. A worthwhile doc to discover.
Here's the official US trailer (+ a poster) for Heddy Honigmann's documentary Buddy, from YouTube:
Fascinating, multi-talented, indispensable dogs and their loving masters. In this poignant and carefully composed portrait of six service dogs and their human owners, renowned documentary filmmaker Heddy Honigmann explores the close bond between animal and human. Honigmann questions the owners in her characteristic way — respectfully and with genuine concern rooted in a deep trust — about what the animals mean to them. Buddy is an ode to the fighting spirit of the main characters and a loving portrait of the deep bond between man and dog. Buddy is directed by acclaimed Dutch-Peruvian filmmaker Heddy Honigmann, director of many films including Metal and Melancholy, O Amor Natural, The Underground Orchestra, Privé, Good Husband Dear Son, Give Me Your Hand, Forever, El Olvido, and Royal Orchestra previously. This premiered at the IDFA Film Festival last year. Grasshopper Film will release Honigmann's Buddy in select theaters starting March 20th coming up. For more, visit their official website. Interested?
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