"You need to stay and secure the area." Magnolia Pictures has debuted the first trailer for an indie horror survival thriller film titled Body at Brighton Rock, the second feature film following Southbound from filmmaker Roxanne Benjamin. The story follows a novice park ranger who discovers a body, and must spend the night guarding a potential crime scene on a remote mountain trail as night descends. Karina Fontes stars as Wendy, with a cast including Casey Adams, Emily Althaus, Miranda Bailey, Martin Spanjers, Matt Peters, Susan Burke, John Getz, and Brodie Reed. Plus a big bear! Or so it seems… Perhaps this trailer shows too much, but it's also just trying to get our attention in the swarm of so many films. This just premiered at SXSW this month to some mixed but mostly good reviews, one describing it as "an intriguing cinematic rumination on the effects of isolation and fear." It actually looks quite compelling.
Here's the first official trailer for Roxanne Benjamin's Body at Brighton Rock, direct from YouTube:
Full description from SXSW: "Wendy, a part-time summer employee at a mountainous state park, takes on a rough trail assignment at the end of the season, trying to prove to her friends that she’s capable enough to do the job. When she takes a wrong turn and ends up deep in the backcountry, she stumbles upon what might be a potential crime scene. Stuck with no communication after losing her radio and with orders to guard the site, Wendy must fight the urge to run and do the harder job of staying put — spending the night deep in the wilderness, facing down her worst fears and proving to everyone - including herself - that she’s made of stronger stuff than they think she is." Body at Brighton Rock is written and directed by American filmmaker Roxanne Benjamin, of the film Southbound, and a segment of anthology horror XX previously. This just premiered at the SXSW Film Festival earlier this month. Mangolia Pictures will release Benjamin's Body at Brighton Rock in select theaters + on VOD starting April 26th this spring. Who wants to see this?
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