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Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Watch: 'Star Wars: Always' Mega-Trailer by Topher Grace & Jeff Yorkes

Star Wars: Always Trailer

"The Force will be with you, always." Whoa!! Surprise, Star Wars fans. Almost a decade ago, actor Topher Grace held a special private screening in Los Angeles showing an 85-minute edit of the Star Wars prequels that he created entirely in his own time for fun (because he loves editing). I was lucky to be invited to this special screening, and we recorded a video blog about it after. Jump ahead seven years, and Topher has cut together a new Star Wars preview tiled Star Wars: Always. This full "mega-trailer", as they've dubbed it, combines footage from the entire Star Wars series (including the two spin-offs) and presents a thrilling look at the entire anthology in only five minutes. We've seen fan trailers like this before (and for Topher's cut), but this one is polished, and deserves to be watched and admired. At least for as long as it's available online.

Description straight from Topher Grace's Twitter: "10 movies. 2 nerds. 1 weekend (when our wives were out of town). Enjoy…" Star Wars: Always is a homemade trailer cut for the entire Star Wars anthology. Edited by Topher Grace (@TopherGrace) & Jeff Yorkes (@JeffYorkes). Jeff explains: "Why don’t studios make 'mega-trailers,' tying all the movies of one franchise together, reminding you why you fell in love in the first place? Wouldn’t that kick ass?! Well, that’s what my pal Topher Grace and I thought…" This was made entirely in their own free-time, and who knows if Lucasfilm will get upset and pull this down. Maybe one day Topher will show his special recut version of the Star Wars prequels again? We can dream, right? Who knows. For now, this trailer is all we've got. We're still waiting for that Episode IX trailer anyway. Thoughts?

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