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Thursday, 20 December 2018

Official US Trailer for 'The Gandhi Murder' Conspiracy Theory Drama

The Gandhi Murder Trailer

"If the situation in the country does not improve, my life is worthless." Rising Star Entertainment Ltd. has released the US trailer for a drama from India titled The Gandhi Murder, also known as Gandhi: The Conspiracy or Solar Eclipse: Depth of Darkness (which is a hugely different title but perhaps it works better in India than it does elsewhere). This "conspiracy theory period movie" is based on true events, that led to the eventual assassination of Gandhi. The movie portrays a violent India, at the backdrop of a non-violent Gandhi, and hard-line fanatic mind-sets beginning to grow roots in an India divided on the basis of religion. The feature is a story of three police officers in different parts of India, who, well aware of the intelligence that Gandhi's life is under threat, must take key decisions that would eventually either save the Mahatma, or the country. This stars Jesus Sans, Stephen Lang, Luke Pasqualino, Gregory Schwabe, Om Puri, and Vinnie Jones. This looks like a fascinating, if not a little weird, take on the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Here's the new trailer (+ poster) for Karim Traidia & Pankaj Sehgal's The Gandhi Murder, on YouTube:

And here's the original international trailer for Gandhi: The Conspiracy also found on YouTube:

The Gandhi Murder Poster

The Gandhi Murder Poster

The Gandhi Murder is a conspiracy theory period movie based on true events, that led to the eventual assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. The movie demonstrates a violent India, at the backdrop of a non- violent Gandhi, and hard-line fanatic mind-sets beginning to grow roots in an India divided on the basis of religion. The feature is a story of three police officers in different parts of India, who, well aware of the intelligence that Gandhi's life in under threat, must take key decisions that would eventually either save the Mahatma, or the country. The Gandhi Murder, also known as Gandhi: The Conspiracy or also Solar Eclipse: Depth of Darkness, is directed by filmmakers Karim Traidia (of The Polish Bride, Island Guests, Chronique de Mon Village) & Pankaj Sehgal (of PVC Major Shaitan Singh). The screenplay is by Moobi Alwright, Pankaj Sehgal, and Prem Segal. The film already opened in India earlier in April. Rising Star Ent. will release The Gandhi Murder in select US theaters starting January 30th, 2019 next month. Anyone?

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