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Friday, 23 November 2018

The First Word Podcast - A Discussion on Damien Chazelle's 'First Man'

First Man - The First Word

"When you get a different vantage point it changes your perspective." Our latest episode of The First Word podcast is a discussion on Damien Chazelle's First Man. Even though the film has been released for a few months now, Mike and Alex have been waiting to discuss this one. We're both big sci-fi nerds and big fans of Damien Chazelle, and we both went to see this film in IMAX before our recording. Friends Alex Billington (@firstshowing) and Mike Eisenberg (@Eisentower30) team up to bring you a podcast providing in-depth discussion, analysis, and interviews about the latest movies, and some old ones too. This time we discuss all of our thoughts about First Man, good & bad reactions, whether the IMAX experience is worth it, and more.

Download or listen to The First Word podcast episode #15 below - hosted by Podbean.

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> You can also subscribe to the show on Pocket Casts, CastBox, Player FM, TuneIn, Stitcher Radio.

Our topic: First Man (dir. Damien Chazelle)

The logo for The First Word was designed by the very talented Eileen Steinbach - follow her @SG_Posters and see more of her work on her website here. She is the best.

Any & all feedback, compliments, additional discussion, corrections, theories, any more questions for us, or any other thoughts about life can be sent directly to us on Twitter. You can contact us directly by emailing to thefirstword[at] We would love to hear from you! Thank you for listening to our podcast.


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