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Monday, 20 August 2018

Watch: Funky, Creative Animated Short 'Shmevolution' by Nolan Downs

Shmevolution Short Film

Dinosaur schminosaur. So this is where all the animals came from? Check out this funky, amusing, creative animated short film titled Shmevolution below. Made by Chicago-based animator Nolan Downs as his final graduation project from DePaul University, the short plays with the concept of evolution showing how creatures change into different forms. The story follows the life of one strange little organism as it evolves through an even stranger land. I also like the subplot of the black death being transferred by the mosquito, killing off a few creatures. I'm now a fan of Downs' work, I hope he continues to make more shorts. Dive in.

Thanks to Vimeo Staff Picks for the tip. Original description from Vimeo: "Watch the evolutionary life of an organism unfold in a bizarre landscape." Shmevolution is directed by animator + filmmaker Nolan Downs - follow him @nolaNJDowns. Featuring music by Maxwell Harris & Brandon Forrest. Find more of Downs work on his official website. You can also see a few examples of some early concept art and test images on Booooooom. Shmevolution is Downs' graduate film from DePaul University. "Debuted in Summer 2016, it has since screened in venues all over the world." For more info, visit his website. For more shorts, click here.


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